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Toward an Optimization of Elicitation Timings Considering Elicitation Costs and User Privacy for Personal Assistant Agents., и . IIAI-AAI, стр. 606-611. IEEE, (2018)A Social Networking Support System to Rise up the One's Self-Evaluation., и . IIAI-AAI, стр. 594-599. IEEE, (2018)A Framework for Analyzing Simultaneous Negotiations., и . PRIMA, том 8291 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 526-533. Springer, (2013)Fine-grained efficient resource allocation using approximated combinatorial auctionsA parallel greedy winner approximation for large-scale problems., и . Web Intell. Agent Syst., 7 (1): 43-63 (2009)Toward an Ontology-based Explainable Strategy Analysis on Multiplayer Multiteam Games., и . IIAI-AAI, стр. 315-318. IEEE, (2023)Toward Applying an Improved Path Planning on Autonomous Car Parking., , , и . IIAI-AAI, стр. 715-716. IEEE, (2023)SPARQLoid - a Querying System using Own Ontology and Ontology Mappings with Reliability., и . ISWC (Posters & Demos), том 914 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2012)An Online Learning-based Efficient Search System for Sufficient SPARQL Endpoints Using Extended Multi-armed Bandit Algorithm., и . JIST (Workshops & Posters), том 1312 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 136-139., (2014)An Approach to Sustainable Electric Power Allocation Using a Multi-round Multi-unit Combinatorial Auction., и . PRIMA Workshops, том 7580 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 48-63. Springer, (2011)Toward a User Incentive Mechanism to Accomplish Unworkable Tasks for Agents., и . ICA, стр. 125-126. IEEE, (2016)