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Learning Object Reengineering Based on Principles for Usable User Interface Design., and . ICEIS (5), page 124-129. (2008)Soft IP Design Framework Using Metaprogramming Techniques., , , and . DIPES, volume 219 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 257-266. Kluwer, (2002)On The Human, Organizational, and Technical Aspects of Software Development and Analysis.. ISD, page 11-19. Springer, (2008)Towards the development of genuine intelligent ontology-based e-Learning systems., and . IEEE Conf. of Intelligent Systems, page 79-84. IEEE, (2010)Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning (ML) in Image Defogging: Taxonomy of Concepts, Scenes, Feature Extraction, and Classification techniques., , , , , , and . IET Image Process., 16 (2): 289-310 (2022)Computational Evaluation of Effects of Motivation Reinforcement on Player Retention., and . J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 23 (5): 432-453 (2017)FGPE+: The Mobile FGPE Environment and the Pareto-Optimized Gamified Programming Exercise Selection Model - An Empirical Evaluation., , , , , and . Comput., 12 (7): 144 (June 2023)Ensemble machine learning approaches for webshell detection in Internet of things environments., , , , , , , and . Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol., (2022)Analysis of Existing Software Cognitive Complexity Measures., , , and . IJSSE, 8 (4): 51-71 (2017)On the quantitative estimation of abstraction level increase in metaprograms.. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst., 3 (1): 53-64 (2006)