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Ground-state and thermal entanglements in non-Hermitian XY system with real and imaginary magnetic fields., , , , and . Quantum Inf. Process., 22 (7): 277 (July 2023)Map decoration implemented based on element under ArcGIS environment., , , and . Geoinformatics, page 1-5. IEEE, (2010)Extended quantum jump description of vibronic two-dimensional spectroscopy, , , , , , and . The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142 (21): 212440 (June 2015)Effects of a nurse-led transitional care programme on readmission, self-efficacy to implement health-promoting behaviours, functional status and life quality among Chinese patients with coronary artery disease: A randomised controlled trial, , , , and . Journal of clinical nursing, 27 (5-6): 969--979 (March 2018)A Shapley value-based forwarding strategy in Information-Centric Networking., , , , , and . APNOMS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2016)Cognitive load influences Wristwatch's legibility and purchase Preference: An eye tracking study., , , , and . Displays, (April 2023)Phase transitions in semisupervised clustering of sparse networks., , and . CoRR, (2014)Message passing for quantified Boolean formulas, , , and . CoRR, (2012)Uncovering Self-Supervised Learning: From Current Applications to Future Trends., , , and . PCCNT, page 80:1-80:8. ACM, (2023)Path Planning of Arc Additive Remanufacturing for Defective Castings., and . AIAM (IEEE), page 237-240. IEEE, (2021)