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A New Digital Forensics Model of Smart City Automated Vehicles., , и . iThings/GreenCom/CPSCom/SmartData, стр. 274-279. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Interactive Reality System (IRiS): Interactive 3D Video Playback in Multimedia Applications., , , , и . J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics, 10 (2): 145-149 (2006)A Parallel System for Performing Colonic Tissue Classification by Means of a Genetic Algorithm., , , и . PVM/MPI, том 2840 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 560-564. Springer, (2003)An Integrated Machine Learning Approach for Extrinsic Plagiarism Detection., , , , и . DeSE, стр. 203-208. IEEE, (2016)Integrated and Scalable Architecture for Providing Cost-Effective Remote Health Monitoring., , , и . DeSE, стр. 74-80. IEEE, (2016)Implementation and Evaluation of a Cooperative MAC Protocol for Smart Data Acquisition., , , , , , и . VTC Spring, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2016)Finger-Drawn Signature Verification on Touch Devices Using Statistical Anomaly Detectors., , , и . SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI, стр. 1700-1705. IEEE, (2019)Fuzzy expert system-based framework for flood management in Saudi Arabia., , , , и . Clust. Comput., 22 (5): 11723-11740 (2019)Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) for Skin Cancer Classification., , , , и . ICECS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2020)Towards the Development of an Integrated Framework for Enhancing Enterprise Search Using Latent Semantic Indexing., , , , и . ICCS, том 6828 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 346-352. Springer, (2011)