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Comparison of programmable linear resistors based on quasi-floating gate MOSFETs., , , , , и . ISCAS, стр. 1712-1715. IEEE, (2008)A free but efficient class AB two-stage operational amplifier., , , и . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)Low Power Wireless Smoke Alarm System in Home Fires., , и . Sensors, 15 (8): 20717-20729 (2015)Super Class-AB OTAs With Adaptive Biasing and Dynamic Output Current Scaling., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 54-I (3): 449-457 (2007)A low-pass filter with automatic frequency tuning for a bluetooth receiver., , , , , и . ICECS, стр. 462-465. IEEE, (2010)New low-power low-voltage differential class-AB OTA for SC circuits., , , и . ISCAS (1), стр. 589-592. IEEE, (2003)Hardware Attacks on Mobile Robots: I2C Clock Attacking., , , , и . ROBOT (1), том 417 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 147-159. Springer, (2015)Class AB output stages for low voltage CMOS opamps with accurate quiescent current control by means of dynamic biasing., , , , и . ICECS, стр. 967-970. IEEE, (2001)A compact voltage-controlled transconductor with high linearity., , , , , и . ICECS, стр. 21-24. IEEE, (2010)Low-power CMOS variable gain amplifier based on a novel tunable transconductor., , , , , и . IET Circuits Devices Syst., 9 (2): 105-110 (2015)