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Finding the timings for a guide agent to interveneinter-user conversation in considering their gazebehaviors.

, , , and . GazeIn@ICMI, page 19-24. ACM, (2013)

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Detecting Address Estimation Errors from Users' Reactions in Multi-user Agent Conversation., , , and . HCI (2), volume 8511 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 245-253. Springer, (2014)Analysis of personality traits for intervention scene detection in multi-user conversation., , , and . HAI, page 237-240. ACM, (2014)POSTER: Security Control System Enabling to Keep an Intra-LAN in a Secure State Using Security-and-Performance Ratio Control Policies., , and . ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, page 1442-1444. ACM, (2014)Investigation on the Fusion of Multi-modal and Multi-person Features in RNNs for Detecting the Functional Roles of Group Discussion Participants., and . HCI (14), volume 12194 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 489-503. Springer, (2020)SQUED: A novel crowd-sourced system for detection and localization of unexpected events from smartphone-sensor data., , , and . ICIS, page 383-386. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Searching human actions based on a multi-dimensional time series similarity calculation method., , , , and . ICIS, page 235-240. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Activity Comparison of the Participants Using Japanese as L2 and Their L1 in Group Discussion., , and . HCI (14), volume 12775 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 211-222. Springer, (2021)ROU (Region of Uninterest) and its Applications for Geographical Maps and Images., , and . IIAI-AAI, page 837-842. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Toward a multi-culture adaptive virtual tour guide agent with a modular approach., , , , and . AI Soc., 24 (3): 225-235 (2009)Making virtual conversational agent aware of the addressee of users' utterances in multi-user conversation using nonverbal information., , and . ICMI, page 401-408. ACM, (2011)