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Comparison of Measurement-Based Call Admission Control Algorithms for Controlled-Load Service., , и . INFOCOM, стр. 973-980. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)A Tool for Massively Replicating Internet Archives: Design, Implementation, and Experience., , , и . ICDCS, стр. 657-664. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Evaluation of TCP Vegas: Emulation and Experiment., , , и . SIGCOMM, стр. 185-205. ACM, (1995)RISCs versus CISCs for Prolog: A Case Study., , , и . ASPLOS, стр. 136-145. ACM Press, (1987)SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 15(5), SIGOPS Operating System Review 21(4), SIGPLAN Notices 22(10).A Cooperative Game with Applications to Computer Networks.. Inf. Process. Lett., 38 (6): 283-289 (1991)A Hierarchical Internet Object Cache., , , , и . USENIX ATC, стр. 153-164. USENIX Association, (1996)Distributed Indexing: A Scalable Mechanism for Distributed Information Retrieval., , , и . SIGIR, стр. 220-229. ACM, (1991)Characteristics of Wide-Area TCP/IP Conversations., , , и . SIGCOMM, стр. 101-112. ACM, (1991)Precision and Recall of Ranking Information-Filtering Systems, и . Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 7 (3): 287-306 (1996)Vocabulary Problem in Internet Resource Discovery., и . NGITS, стр. 139-145. (1995)