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Continuous engineering for Industry 4.0 architectures and systems., , , , , , , , и . Softw. Pract. Exp., 52 (10): 2241-2262 (2022)Towards the Factory of the Future with Digital Twins and SOA : Towards the Factory of the Future with Digital Twins and SOA., , и . ICSA Companion, стр. 3-4. IEEE, (2020)Architecture Drivers for Trustworthy Interoperability in Industry 4.0., , , , и . IEEE Syst. J., 15 (4): 5454-5463 (2021)Service-Based Architectures in Production Systems: Challenges, Solutions & Experiences., , и . Kaleidoscope, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2020)Integrating Systems of Record (SOR) into the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Dataspace., и . ETFA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2024)A Quality 4.0 Model for architecting industry 4.0 systems., , , , , , и . Adv. Eng. Informatics, (2022)Architecture Blueprints to Enable Scalable Vertical Integration of Assets with Digital Twins., , , , и . ETFA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2022)Architecture Blueprints for the Application of the Industry 4.0 Asset Administration Shell., , , , и . ETFA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2022)Blueprints for architecture drivers and architecture solutions for Industry 4.0 shopfloor applications., , , и . ECSA (Companion), стр. 261-268. ACM, (2019)Towards Runtime Monitoring for Malicious Behaviors Detection in Smart Ecosystems., , , , , , и . ISSRE Workshops, стр. 200-203. IEEE, (2019)