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A Type-C USB Power Delivery Chip Faced Catastrophic Failure., , и . LASCAS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2020)Voice trigger detection from LVCSR hypothesis lattices using bidirectional lattice recurrent neural networks., , и . CoRR, (2020)Training Large-Vocabulary Neural Language Models by Private Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained Devices., , , , , , , , , и 3 other автор(ы). CoRR, (2022)Acoustic Model Fusion For End-to-End Speech Recognition., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). ASRU, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2023)A 5.4 Gbps Type-C USB3.1/DP1.2 Combo Limiting ReDriver in 0.14 μm CMOS Technology., , , , и . CCECE, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Personalization of CTC-based End-to-End Speech Recognition Using Pronunciation-Driven Subword Tokenization., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). CoRR, (2023)Timing-Aware Routing in the RapidWright Framework., и . FPL, стр. 24-30. IEEE, (2019)SNDCNN: Self-Normalizing Deep CNNs with Scaled Exponential Linear Units for Speech Recognition., , , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 6854-6858. IEEE, (2020)Low Power 20.625 Gbps Type-C USB3.2/DPl.4/ Thunderbolt3 Combo Linear Redriver in 0.25 μm BiCMOS Technology., , , , , , и . SoCC, стр. 326-329. IEEE, (2018)Voice Trigger Detection from Lvcsr Hypothesis Lattices Using Bidirectional Lattice Recurrent Neural Networks., , и . ICASSP, стр. 6356-6360. IEEE, (2019)