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Collaboration and Application Integration: Distributed Design with Virtual CAD., , и . DIISM, том 191 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 403-410. Kluwer, (2000)Cooperative design on the Internet., и . IFIP World Conference on IT Tools, стр. 419-428. Chapman & Hall, (1996)Privacy Preserving Face Recognition Utilizing Differential Privacy., , , , и . Comput. Secur., (2020)Replication of location-dependent data in mobile ad hoc networks., и . MobiDE, стр. 39-46. ACM, (2008)Wide Area Service Discovery and Adaptation for Mobile Clients in Networks with Ad Hoc Behaviour., и . ICITA (2), стр. 334-337. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Synthesising End-to-End Security Protocols., , и . TrustCom, стр. 440-447. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Location-aware cache replacement for mobile environments., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 3441-3447. IEEE, (2004)A multi-layer model for anomaly intrusion detection using program sequences of system calls., , и . ICON, стр. 531-536. IEEE, (2003)Introduction.. WETICE, стр. 2. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)An Analytical Study of Broadcast Based Cache Invalidation in Mobile Computing Networks., , и . OTM, том 2888 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 554-572. Springer, (2003)