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DSP for wireless., и . CICC, стр. 66-67. IEEE, (2005)Delay and Area Efficient First-level Cache Soft Error Detection and Correction., и . ICCD, стр. 88-92. IEEE, (2006)Achieving practical development-merging skill bases (panel session)., , , , , , и . Hypertext, стр. 262-263. ACM, (2000)Fast low power translation lookaside buffers using hierarchical NAND match lines., и . ISCAS, стр. 3493-3496. IEEE, (2010)Design with sub-10 nm FinFET technologies., и . CICC, стр. 1-87. IEEE, (2017)Reducing power in flexible a-Si digital circuits while preserving state., , , , , и . CICC, стр. 219-222. IEEE, (2005)Transient response exploration of SRAM cell metastable states caused by ionizing radiation with 3D mixed mode simulation., , и . ICECS, стр. 443-446. IEEE, (2014)Design flows and collateral for the ASAP7 7nm FinFET predictive process design kit., , , , и . MSE, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2017)SRAM Circuits for True Random Number Generation Using Intrinsic Bit Instability., , и . IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 26 (10): 2027-2037 (2018)Methodical Design Approaches to Radiation Effects Analysis and Mitigation in Flip-Flop Circuits., и . ISVLSI, стр. 595-600. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)