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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Extending Visual Modeling Languages with Timed Behavior Specifications., , und . CIbSE, Seite 87-100. (2009)Special track on model transformation (MT 2006)., , und . SAC, Seite 1186-1187. ACM, (2006)Lightweight Testing of Communication Networks with e-Motions., , , und . TAP, Volume 6706 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 187-204. Springer, (2011)An Ontology for Software Measurement., , und . Ontologies for Software Engineering and Software Technology, Springer, (2006)Effective use of ontologies in software measurement., , , , , , und . Knowledge Eng. Review, 24 (1): 23-40 (2009)Improving query performance on dynamic graphs., , und . Softw. Syst. Model., 20 (4): 1011-1041 (2021)Expressing Measurement Uncertainty in Software Models., , und . QUATIC, Seite 15-24. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Extending Complex Event Processing to Graph-structured Information., , , und . MoDELS, Seite 166-175. ACM, (2018)Modeling and Synchronizing Digital Twin Environments., , , , , und . ANNSIM, Seite 245-257. IEEE, (2023)Incorporating Trust into Collaborative Social Computing Applications., , , , und . EDOC, Seite 21-30. IEEE, (2021)