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Can we rate public support for democracy in a comparable way? Cross-national equivalence of democratic attitudes in the World Value Survey

, and . Social Indicators Research, 104 (2): 271--286 (2011)The original publication is available at

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Assessment of measurement equivalence with cross-national and longitudinal surveys in political science, and . European Political Science, 11 (3): 363--377 (2012)This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in European Political Science. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Äriely, G; Davidov, E (2011). Assessment of measurement equivalence with cross-national and longitudinal surveys in political science. European Political Science" is available online at we rate public support for democracy in a comparable way? Cross-national equivalence of democratic attitudes in the World Value Survey, and . Social Indicators Research, 104 (2): 271--286 (2011)The original publication is available at