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MoPro: Webly Supervised Learning with Momentum Prototypes., , и . ICLR,, (2021)Contextual Transformation Networks for Online Continual Learning., , , и . ICLR,, (2021)A two-view learning approach for image tag ranking., и . WSDM, стр. 625-634. ACM, (2011)Responsible AI for Trusted AI-powered Enterprise Platforms.. WSDM, стр. 1277-1278. ACM, (2023)Learning Label Modular Prompts for Text Classification in the Wild., , , и . EMNLP, стр. 1677-1690. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Multimodal Transformer Networks for End-to-End Video-Grounded Dialogue Systems., , , и . ACL (1), стр. 5612-5623. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2019)Video-Grounded Dialogues with Pretrained Generation Language Models., и . ACL, стр. 5842-5848. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Explicit Memory Tracker with Coarse-to-Fine Reasoning for Conversational Machine Reading., , , , , , , и . ACL, стр. 935-945. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2020)Large-scale text categorization by batch mode active learning., , и . WWW, стр. 633-642. ACM, (2006)Integrating User Feedback Log into Relevance Feedback by Coupled SVM for Content-Based Image Retrieval., , и . ICDE Workshops, стр. 1177. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)