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Economic, legal, and political dimensions of competition

. Lectures in economics North-Holland Publ., Amsterdam u.a., (1982)

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The organization of economic activity. Blackwell, Oxford u.a., 1. publ edition, (1988)Ownership, control and the firm. Blackwell, Oxford u.a., 1. publ edition, (1988)George J. Stigler: Midcentury Neoclassicalist with a Passion to Quantify. Journal of Political Economy, 101 (5): 793 (Jan 1, 1993)doi: 10.1086/261902.Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization, and . American Economic Review, 62 (5): 777--795 (December 1972)Efficiency, competition, and policy. Blackwell, Oxford u.a., 1. publ edition, (1989)Oliver Hart, Firms, Contracts, and Financial Structure: Clarendon Lectures in EconomicsFirms. Contracts, and Financial Structure: Clarendon Lectures in Economies . By Oliver Hart . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Pp. Vill+228. \$49.95 (cloth); \$22.00(paper).. Journal of Political Economy, 106 (2): 446--452 (91 04 1998)doi: 10.1086/250016.The market concentration doctrine. AEI-Hoover policy studies American Enterprise, Washington, D.C., (1973)Economic, legal, and political dimensions of competition. Lectures in economics North-Holland Publ., Amsterdam u.a., (1982)The primacy of economics. Lectiones jenenses Akad. Buchh., Fachbuchservice, Jena, 1. Aufl edition, (1996)The economics of the business firm. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., 1. paperback ed edition, (1997)