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Towards an Object Oriented Ambient Computing Model., , и . Intelligent Environments (Workshops), том 10 из Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, стр. 41-50. IOS Press, (2011)Mobile interaction in smart environments, , , , и . Computing, (2006)From Imagination to Innovation: A Creative Development Process., и . Intelligent Environments (Workshops), том 21 из Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, стр. 514-523. IOS Press, (2016)4th Int'l Symposium on Future Intelligent Educational Environments and Learning., и . Intelligent Environments (Workshops), том 23 из Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, стр. 387-388. IOS Press, (2018)Recyclable, Eco-Friendly, On-Demand Bin (ReDBin)., и . Intelligent Environments, стр. 222-225. IEEE, (2014)Integrating a Social Network Group with a 3D Collaborative Learning Environment., , и . Intelligent Environments, стр. 310-317. IEEE, (2014)The Internet-of-Things: Reflections on the past, present and future from a user-centered and smart environment perspective., , и . J. Ambient Intell. Smart Environ., 11 (1): 45-69 (2019)A Formal Model for Space Based Ubiquitous Computing., , , , , , , и . Intelligent Environments, стр. 74-79. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)c-INPRES: Coupling Analysis towards Locking Optimization in Ambient Intelligence., , , и . Intelligent Environments, стр. 68-73. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)From self-monitoring to self-understanding: Going beyond physiological sensing for supporting wellbeing., , и . PervasiveHealth, стр. 312-315. IEEE, (2011)