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ContextFJ: a minimal core calculus for context-oriented programming., , и . FOAL, стр. 19-23. ACM, (2011)A modal type system for multi-level generating extensions with persistent code., и . PPDP, стр. 201-212. ACM, (2006)Signature restriction for polymorphic algebraic effects., , и . Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 4 (ICFP): 117:1-117:30 (2020)Resource usage analysis., и . POPL, стр. 331-342. ACM, (2002)ACM SIGPLAN Notices 37(1), January 2002.Model-Checking Higher-Order Programs with Recursive Types., и . ESOP, том 7792 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 431-450. Springer, (2013)A guess-and-assume approach to loop fusion for program verification., , и . PEPM, стр. 2-14. ACM, (2018)Dynamic Type Inference for Gradual Hindley-Milner Typing., , и . CoRR, (2018)On Inner Classes., и . ECOOP, том 1850 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 129-153. Springer, (2000)A Hoare Logic for SIMT Programs., и . APLAS, том 8301 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 58-73. Springer, (2013)Resource Usage Analysis., и . APLAS, стр. 147-158. (2001)