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From bridge to control hub - The power Smart Grid evolution., , and . ICSCS, page 115-120. IEEE, (2013)Device and Method for Acquisition and Automatic Data Processing in Virology., and . Trans. Mass Data Anal. Images Signals, 1 (2): 210 (2009)Assessment of quality of health services in fractal-organized connectionist networks., , , and . CSCS, page 227-231. IEEE, (2021)Towards the Development of Autonomous Wheelchair., , , , and . CSCS, page 552-557. IEEE, (2019)Open cloud solution for integrating advanced process control in plant operation., , , , , and . MED, page 973-978. IEEE, (2015)Fractal Techniques in Health Information Systems Management: Can They Be Used?, and . CSCS, page 592-597. IEEE, (2019)Sliding Box Method for Automated Detection of the Optic Disc and Macula in Retinal Images., , and . IWBBIO (1), volume 9043 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 250-261. Springer, (2015)A Fractal Model for Power Smart Grids., , , and . CSCS, page 572-577. IEEE, (2015)Two Dimensional Modeling and Fractal Characterization of Tumor Vascular Network., and . IJCBS, page 483-486. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Experimental validation of a hypothesis for lung tumour dynamic characterisation*., , , , and . ICSTCC, page 156-160. IEEE, (2019)