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DE/EDA: A new evolutionary algorithm for global optimization., , and . Inf. Sci., 169 (3-4): 249-262 (2005)A Multiutility Framework With Application for Studying Tradeoff Between Utility and Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks., and . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 64 (10): 4701-4711 (2015)Interactive MOEA/D for multi-objective decision making., , , , and . GECCO, page 721-728. ACM, (2011)Evolutionary multiobjective optimization with hybrid selection principles., , and . CEC, page 900-907. IEEE, (2015)A cone order sequence based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm., , and . CEC, page 2169-2176. IEEE, (2016)Hybridisation of decomposition and GRASP for combinatorial multiobjective optimisation., , and . UKCI, page 1-7. IEEE, (2014)Differential Evolution With Composite Trial Vector Generation Strategies and Control Parameters., , and . IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., 15 (1): 55-66 (2011)Multiobjective differential evolution algorithm based on decomposition for a type of multiobjective bilevel programming problems., , , , and . Knowl. Based Syst., (2016)A Hybrid Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for CDMA Cellular System Design., , , and . SEAL, volume 4247 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 905-912. Springer, (2006)Enhanced particle swarm optimization based on principal component analysis and line search., , and . Appl. Math. Comput., (2014)