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A fuzzy set approach to concept-based information retrieval.

, , , and . EUSFLAT Conf., page 1287-1292. Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya, (2005)

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Conceptual Indexing Based on Document Content Representation., , and . CoLIS, volume 3507 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 171-186. Springer, (2005)A fuzzy set approach to concept-based information retrieval., , , and . EUSFLAT Conf., page 1287-1292. Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya, (2005)Exploitation des Liens Sémantiques pour l'Expansion de Requêtes dans un Système de Recherche d'Information., , and . INFORSID, page 121-134. (2003)An Information Retrieval Driven by Ontology: from Query to Document Expansion., , , and . RIAO, page 301-313. CID, (2007)IRIT at CLEF 2004: The English GIRT Task., , and . CLEF (Working Notes), volume 1170 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2004)Semantic cores for representing documents in IR., , , and . SAC, page 1011-1017. ACM, (2005)Towards a Semantic Representation of Documents by Ontology-Document Mapping.. AIMSA, volume 3192 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 33-43. Springer, (2004)Désambiguïsation et expansion de requêtes dans un SRI. Etude de l'apport des liens sémantiques., , and . Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf., 8 (4): 113-136 (2003)Une approche de représentation de l'information en RI basée sur les sousarbres., , and . CORIA, page 335-350. Université de Saint-Étienne, (2007)A Conceptual Indexing Approach for the TREC Robust Task., , and . TREC, volume 500-266 of NIST Special Publication, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), (2005)