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Unsupervised Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing based on a Multilinear Mixing Model, , , и . (2016)cite arxiv:1604.04293v1.pdf.Fusion of High Resolution Optical and SAR Images with Vector Data Bases for Change Detection., , , , и . IGARSS (4), стр. 956-959. IEEE, (2009)Similarity Measure between Vector Data Bases and Optical Images for Change Detection., , , и . IGARSS (2), стр. 992-995. IEEE, (2009)Ship detection using SAR and AIS raw data for maritime surveillance., , , , , , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 2081-2085. IEEE, (2016)A Smoothing Stochastic Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Solving Random Quadratic Systems., , , и . SSP, стр. 278-282. IEEE, (2018)Multipath Mitigation in Global Navigation Satellite Systems Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Model With Bernoulli Laplacian Priors., , , , и . SSP, стр. 578-582. IEEE, (2018)Bayesian Fusion of Multi-Band Images., , и . J. Sel. Topics Signal Processing, 9 (6): 1117-1127 (2015)Normality of a non-linear transformation of AR parameters: Application to reflection and cepstrum coefficients. Signal Processing, 62 (1): 1--14 (октября 1997)Detection and estimation of abrupt changes contaminated by multiplicative Gaussian noise. Signal Processing, 68 (3): 259--270 (24.08.1998)A Bernoulli-Gaussian model for gene factor analysis., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 5996-5999. IEEE, (2011)