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The averaging principle for perturbations of continuous time control problems with fast controlled jump parameters., , и . CDC, стр. 730-735. IEEE, (2000)Stability of manifold ambiguity resolution in DOA estimation with nonuniform linear antenna arrays., , и . ICASSP, стр. 3117-3120. IEEE, (2000)On LP Formulations of Optimal Control Problems with Time Averaging and Time Discounting Criteria in Non-Ergodic Case., , и . CDC, стр. 4298-4303. IEEE, (2019)Duality, viability and optimality through linear programming approach to deterministic infinite horizon optimal control problems with discounting., и . CDC, стр. 6680-6685. IEEE, (2010)Multiscale singularly perturbed control systems: limit occupational measures sets and averaging., и . CDC, стр. 984-989. IEEE, (2003)Linear programming formulation of a discrete time infinite horizon optimal control problem with time discounting criterion., , и . CDC, стр. 4481-4483. IEEE, (2016)Instability in DOA manifold ambiguity resolution., , и . ISSPA, стр. 893-895. IEEE, (1999)Duality in linear programming problems related to deterministic long run average problems of optimal control with applications to periodic optimization., , и . CDC, стр. 1207-1211. IEEE, (2009)Occupational Measures Formulation and Linear Programming Solution of Deterministic Long Run Average Problems of Optimal Control., и . CDC, стр. 5012-5017. IEEE, (2006)Linear Programming Approach to Deterministic Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems with Discounting., и . SIAM J. Control. Optim., 48 (4): 2480-2512 (2009)