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Dynamic Sociality Minority Game., , , и . ECMS, стр. 27-33. European Council for Modeling and Simulation, (2011)A Smartphone Application For The Monitoring Of Domestic Consumption Of Electricity., , , и . ECMS, стр. 295-300. European Council for Modeling and Simulation, (2013)An Efficient Algorithm for Clustering Sets., и . DS-RT, стр. 97-100. IEEE, (2023)Performance Comparison of Two Java-Based Actor Systems., , , и . ICICT (3), том 216 из Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, стр. 79-88. Springer, (2021)IoT-Centric Edge Computing for Context-Aware Smart Environments., , , , и . ICIOT, стр. 168-171. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)When edge intelligence meets cognitive buildings: The COGITO platform., , , , , и . Internet Things, (декабря 2023)Deployment, configuration and management of mobile actor systems., , и . IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications, стр. 483-488. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2004)HLA_ACTOR_REPAST: An approach to distributing RePast models for high-performance simulations., , , и . Simul. Model. Pract. Theory, 19 (1): 283-300 (2011)Model Checking Mutual Exclusion Algorithms Using Uppaal., , и . CSOC (2), том 465 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 203-215. Springer, (2016)Improving Efficiency in Parallel Computing Leveraging Local Synchronization., , и . NUMTA(1), том 11973 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 232-242. Springer, (2019)