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Configuration of Order-Driven Planning Policies., and . OR, page 441-446. Springer, (2007)Optimale Belegung von Stranggießanlagen mittels 2-dimensionaler Bin-Packing-Modelle., and . OR, page 53-58. Springer, (2002)Mid-Term Model-Plant Allocation for Flexible Production Networks in the Automotive Industry., , and . OR, page 433-438. Springer, (2011)A methodology for assessing eco-efficiency in logistics networks., , , , and . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 193 (3): 670-682 (2009)Revealing Multimodality in Ensemble Weather Prediction., , , , , and . MLVis@EuroVis, page 7-11. Eurographics Association, (2021)Management of Material Flows in Closed-Loop Supply Chains.. HICSS, page 81. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)IsoTrotter: Visually Guided Empirical Modelling of Atmospheric Convection., , and . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 27 (2): 775-784 (2021)Diabatic heating and jet stream shifts: A case study of the 2010 negative North Atlantic Oscillation winter, , , and . Geophys. Res. Lett., 43 (18): 2016GL070146+ (Sep 28, 2016)Gestaltung von Stoffstrom-Netzwerken zum Produktrecycling., and . OR, page 278-283. Springer, (2002)Coordination by Contracts in Decentralized Product Design Processes - Towards Efficient Compliance with Recycling Rates in the Automotive Industry., , and . OR, page 435-440. Springer, (2010)