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Research of Coal Mine Safety-Production Dispatching Based on Multilayer Petri Net., и . FSKD (2), стр. 332-337. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Research and Application of Reinforcement Learning Based on Constraint MDP in Coal Mine., , , и . CSIE (4), стр. 687-691. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Road recognition and motion target tracking based on infrared image., , и . Int. J. Wirel. Mob. Comput., 20 (2): 107-119 (2021)Lip-Reading Based on Deep Learning Model., , и . Trans. Edutainment, (2019)FIXME: Enhance Software Reliability with Hybrid Approaches in Cloud., , , , , и . ICSE (SEIP), стр. 228-237. IEEE, (2021)Learning Selective Averaged One-Dependence Estimators for Probability Estimation., , и . FSKD (1), стр. 492-496. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Action-based Recommendation in Pull-request Development., , , , и . ICSSP, стр. 115-124. ACM, (2020)Lightweight Single-Image Super-Resolution Network with Attentive Auxiliary Feature Learning., , , , , и . ACCV (2), том 12623 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 268-285. Springer, (2020)Myocardial elastogram using a fast mapping algorithm., , , и . EMBC, стр. 3236-3239. IEEE, (2017)Dynamic estimation of myocardial deformation using ultrasound RF-data: A preliminary study., , , и . EMBC, стр. 6354-6357. IEEE, (2015)