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The inference of stepwise changes in substitution rates using serial sequence samples., , и . Mol Biol Evol, 18 (7): 1365--1371 (2001 Jul)Relaxed phylogenetics and dating with confidence, , и . PLoS Biol., (2006)Inference of viral evolutionary rates from molecular sequences, , и . Adv Parasitol, (2003)PAL: an object-oriented programming library for molecular evolution and phylogenetics., и . Bioinformatics, 17 (7): 662--663 (2001 Jul)Accuracy of rate estimation using relaxed-clock models with a critical focus on the early Metazoan radiation, , , и . Molecular Biology and Evolution, (2005)The evolutionary history of the extinct ratite moa and New Zealand Neogene paleogeography, , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (49): 20646 (2009)Reconstructing genealogies of serial samples under the assumption of a molecular clock using serial-sample UPGMA., и . Mol Biol Evol, 17 (12): 1807--1815 (2000 Dec)Bayesian coestimation of phylogeny and sequence alignment, , , , и . BMC Bioinformatics, (2005)Inferring evolutionary rates using serially sampled sequences from several populations, , , , и . Molecular Biology and Evolution, 20 (12): 2010-2018 (декабря 2003)BEAST: Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees, и . BMC Evolutionary Biology, (2007)