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Analyses and comparisons of SCL files in substation configurator., , , , and . ICSAI, page 297-300. IEEE, (2016)Multi-task learning using a hybrid representation for text classification., , , , , and . Neural Comput. Appl., 32 (11): 6467-6480 (2020)Physics-based Human Neck Simulation., , and . VRIPHYS, page 51-60. Eurographics Association, (2013)CuteChat: a lightweight tele-immersive video chat system., , , , , and . ACM Multimedia, page 1309-1312. ACM, (2011)KGE-CL: Contrastive Learning of Tensor Decomposition Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings., , , , , and . COLING, page 2598-2607. International Committee on Computational Linguistics, (2022)As-Rigid-As-Possible Character Deformation Using Point Handles., , and . ISVC (1), volume 9474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 57-70. Springer, (2015)Modeling and Simulating Virtual Anatomical Humans., , , and . 3D Multiscale Physiological Human, Springer, (2014)Flexible point handles metaphor for character deformation., , and . VRST, page 204. ACM, (2015)Pseudo-inverse Locality Preserving Projections., , and . CIS (1), page 363-367. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)