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The INTERSECT Open Federated Architecture for the Laboratory of the Future., , , , , , , , , и . SMC, том 1690 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 173-190. Springer, (2022)Investigating virtual passthrough I/O on commodity devices., , , и . ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 43 (3): 83-94 (2009)A Case for Alternative Nested Paging Models for Virtualized Systems., , , , , и . IEEE Comput. Archit. Lett., 9 (1): 17-20 (2010)Towards Sustainable Post-Exascale Leadership Computing., , , , , , , , , и 14 other автор(ы). SC Workshops, стр. 1790-1794. IEEE, (2024)Towards Virtual Passthrough I/O on Commodity Devices., , и . Workshop on I/O Virtualization, USENIX Association, (2008)Argo: Architecture-aware graph partitioning., , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 284-293. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)NeXUS: Practical and Secure Access Control on Untrusted Storage Platforms using Client-Side SGX., , и . DSN, стр. 401-413. IEEE, (2019)What is a Lightweight Kernel?, , , , , , , , , и 4 other автор(ы). ROSS@HPDC, стр. 9:1-9:8. ACM, (2015)