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Equity price dynamics before and after the introduction of the Euro

, and . CESifo working papers Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (2001)

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Equity price dynamics before and after the introduction of the Euro, and . CESifo working papers Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (2001)On maximum likelihood estimation of the differencing parameter of fractionally-integrated noise with unknown mean, and . Journal of Econometrics, 62 (2): 301--316 (June 1994)Long-run purchasing power parity during the recent float, and . Journal of International Economics, 34 (1-2): 181--192 (February 1993)On the purchasing power parity puzzle, and . Journal of International Economics, 52 (2): 321--330 (December 2000)What are the global sources of rational variation in international equity returns?, , and . Journal of International Money and Finance, 16 (6): 821--836 (December 1997)Mean reversion in real exchange rates, and . Economics Letters, 46 (3): 251--256 (November 1994)Parity reversion in real exchange rates during the post-Bretton Woods period, and . Journal of International Money and Finance, 17 (4): 597--614 (Aug 1, 1998)Currency traders and exchange rate dynamics, and . CESifo working paper series Univ., Center for Economic Studies, Munich, (2000)Aggregate output dynamics in the twentieth century. Economics Letters, 45 (1): 15--22 (May 1994)International evidence on output persistence from postwar data, and . Economics Letters, 38 (4): 435--441 (April 1992)