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Total solar eclipse: fish-eye 4K image transmission experimentation on the internet.

, , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH ASIA Posters, page 27:1. ACM, (2009)

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Uncompressed 4K2K and HD live transmission on global internet., , , , and . SIGGRAPH ASIA Posters, page 28:1. ACM, (2009)Anonymous Secure Communication in Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks., , , , and . ICUCT, volume 4412 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 140-149. Springer, (2006)A Secure Cloud-centric IoT Framework for Smart Device Registration., , and . J. Inf. Process., (2021)Location tracking prevention with dummy messages for vehicular communications., , , , and . ITST, page 56-61. IEEE, (2013)Migrating to Zero Trust Architecture: Reviews and Challenges., , and . Secur. Commun. Networks, (2021)A Proposal of Short Proxy Signature using Pairing., , and . ITCC (1), page 631-635. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)A Two-tier Overlay Publish/Subscribe System for Sensor Data Stream Using Geographic Based Load Balancing., , , and . AINA Workshops, page 749-756. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Anonymous On-Demand Position-based Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks., , , and . Inf. Media Technol., 1 (2): 1191-1203 (2006)Proposal of Smooth Switching Mechanism on P2P Streaming., , , , , and . DCAI, volume 79 of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, page 181-184. Springer, (2010)MetaFa: Metadata Management Framework for Data Sharing in Data-Intensive Applications., , , and . IWANN (2), volume 5518 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 655-658. Springer, (2009)