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Processing real-time sensor data streams for 3D web visualization., , and . IWGS, page 72-80. ACM, (2014)Integrating Volunteered Human Sensor Data into Crowd-sourced Platforms: A Use Case on Noise Pollution Monitoring and OpenStreetMap., , and . EnviroInfo, page 505-509. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, (2011)Interaction patterns for bridging the gap between sensor networks and the Sensor Web., , and . PerCom Workshops, page 732-737. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Privacy risk analysis in the IoT domain., , , , , and . GIoTS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)NOVA: A Knowledge Base for the Node-RED IoT Ecosystem., , , and . ESWC (Satellite Events), volume 11762 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 257-261. Springer, (2019)Learning, Computing, and Trustworthiness in Intelligent IoT Environments: Performance-Energy Tradeoffs., , , , , , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw., 6 (1): 629-644 (2022)BIG IoT - interconnecting IoT platforms from different domains., , and . ICE/ITMC, page 86-88. IEEE, (2017)Semantic Challenges for Sensor Plug and Play., , , and . W2GIS, volume 5886 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 72-86. Springer, (2009)A Categorization of Discovery Technologies for the Internet of Things., , and . IOT, page 131-139. ACM, (2016)Architectural Patterns for Secure IoT Orchestrations., , , , , and . GIoTS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2019)