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MoBility-Assisted Detection Of The Replication attacks in mobile wireless sensor networks., , и . WiMob, стр. 225-232. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)TransRank: A Novel Algorithm for Transfer of Rank Learning., , , , , и . ICDM Workshops, стр. 106-115. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)DAAODV: A Secure Ad Hoc Routing Protocol Based on Direct Anonymous Attestation., , и . CSE (2), стр. 809-816. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Learning to rank audience for behavioral targeting., , , , , и . SIGIR, стр. 719-720. ACM, (2010)Knowledge transfer for cross domain learning to rank., , , , , и . Inf. Retr., 13 (3): 236-253 (2010)CLHQS: Hierarchical Query Suggestion by Mining Clickthrough Log., , , , , и . PAKDD, том 5476 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 764-771. Springer, (2009)