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Anti-evasion Technique for the Botnets Detection Based on the Passive DNS Monitoring and Active DNS Probing., , , , и . CN, том 608 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 83-95. Springer, (2016)Multi-agent Based Approach for Botnet Detection in a Corporate Area Network Using Fuzzy Logic., , , и . CN, том 370 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 146-156. Springer, (2013)A Technique for the Botnet Detection Based on DNS-Traffic Analysis., , , , и . CN, том 522 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 127-138. Springer, (2015)Self-adaptive System for the Corporate Area Network Resilience in the Presence of Botnet Cyberattacks., , , и . CN, том 860 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 385-401. Springer, (2018)BotGRABBER: SVM-Based Self-Adaptive System for the Network Resilience Against the Botnets' Cyberattacks., , , и . CN, том 1039 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 127-143. Springer, (2019)DNS-based anti-evasion technique for botnets detection., , , , и . IDAACS, стр. 453-458. IEEE, (2015)Information Technology for Botnets Detection Based on Their Behaviour in the Corporate Area Network., , , , и . CN, том 718 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 166-181. Springer, (2017)A Technique for Detection of Bots Which Are Using Polymorphic Code., , , , и . CN, том 431 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 265-276. Springer, (2014)Botnet detection technique for corporate area network., , , и . IDAACS, стр. 363-368. IEEE, (2013)