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Informationstheorie. Teubner Studienbücher Teubner, Stuttgart, (1974)Paradigms of Cognition.. Entropy, 19 (4): 143 (2017)Factorization and escorting in the game-theoretical approach to non-extensive entropy measures. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 365 (1): 91--95 (Jun 1, 2006)Universal coding for distributions over co-trees., and . ISIT, page 709-713. IEEE, (2009)Entropy, some new lower bounds.. ITW, page 196. IEEE, (2002)Zipf's Law, Hyperbolic Distributions and Entropy Loss., and . GTIT-C, volume 4123 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 788-792. Springer, (2006)Intrinsic methods for optimization problems.. ISIT, page 1627-1630. IEEE, (2008)On truth, belief and knowledge.. ISIT, page 139-143. IEEE, (2009)Entropy measures of physics via complexity., and . ISIT, page 40. IEEE, (2004)Maximum entropy and applications to some classical discrete distributions.. ITW, page 104-107. IEEE, (2002)