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Adaptive load sharing for network processors., и . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 16 (2): 293-306 (2008)CLAudit: Planetary-scale cloud latency auditing platform., и . CloudNet, стр. 138-146. IEEE, (2013)Characteristics of Real Open SIP-Server Traffic., , и . PAM, том 7799 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 187-197. Springer, (2013)Traffic-Adaptive Packet Filtering of Denial of Service Attacks., и . WOWMOM, стр. 485-489. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)HUMAN - Hierarchical Clustering for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection & Interpretation., , , и . NOF, стр. 132-140. IEEE, (2020)Active GSM cell-id tracking: "Where Did You Disappear?"., , , , , , и . MELT, стр. 7-12. ACM, (2008)Evaluation of Datacenter Network Topology Influence on Hadoop MapReduce Performance., , и . CloudNet, стр. 95-100. IEEE, (2016)Latency-based benchmarking of cloud service providers., , и . UCC, стр. 263-268. ACM, (2016)VeraGreg: A Framework for Verifiable Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation., , и . TrustCom/BigDataSE, стр. 1820-1825. IEEE, (2018)Predicting User-Cell Association in Cellular Networks from Tracked Data., , , и . MELT, том 5801 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 19-33. Springer, (2009)