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Modeling Pronunciation Variation for Bi-Lingual Mandarin/Taiwanese Speech Recognition., , , и . IJCLCLP, (2005)華台雙語發音變異性之語音辨識研究及PDA之應用 (The study of pronunciation variations in Mandarin and Taiwanese and its application in PDA) In Chinese., , , , , , и . ROCLING, Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), Taiwan, (2004)混合語言之語音的語言辨認 (Language Identification on Code-Switching Speech) In Chinese., , и . ROCLING, Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP), Taiwan, (2007)SEAME: a Mandarin-English code-switching speech corpus in south-east asia., , , и . INTERSPEECH, стр. 1986-1989. ISCA, (2010)Speech Recognition on Code-Switching Among the Chinese Dialects., , , и . ICASSP (1), стр. 1105-1108. IEEE, (2006)Multi-style learning with denoising autoencoders for acoustic modeling in the internet of things (IoT)., , , , и . Comput. Speech Lang., (2017)Language identification in code-switching speech using word-based lexical model., , , и . ISCSLP, стр. 460-464. IEEE, (2010)Language diarization for conversational code-switch speech with pronunciation dictionary adaptation., , и . ChinaSIP, стр. 147-150. IEEE, (2013)Acoustic modeling using an extended phone set considering cross-lingual pronunciation variations., , и . ICME, стр. 133-136. IEEE, (2009)A Taiwanese Text-to-Speech System with Applications to Language Learning., , , , и . ICALT, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)