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Applied lattice theory: formal concept analysis, и . General lattice theory, (to appear)Zur Restrukturierung der mathematischen Ordnungstheorie, и . Mathematische Modellierung, стр. 283-293. Hamburg, McGraw--Hill, (1986)Knowledge spaces and formal concept analysis, и . Data analysis and information systems, стр. 427-436. Heidelberg, Springer--Verlag, (1996)An approach to automated drawing of concept lattices, , , и . General algebra and applications in discrete mathematics, стр. 125-136. Aachen, Shaker Verlag, (1997)Begriffsdenken: Von der griechischen Philosophie bis zur Künstlichen Intelligenz heute. Dilthey--Kastanie, Ludwig--Georgs--Gymnasium, Darmstadt, (1995)Valuations and hierarchizations, и . From data to knowledge, стр. 141-150. Heidelberg, Springer--Verlag, (1996)Conceptual Knowledge Discovery in Databases Using Formal Concept Analysis Methods., , и . PKDD, том 1510 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 450-458. Springer, (1998)Conceptual Knowledge Discovery and Data Analysis., , , и . ICCS, том 1867 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 421-437. Springer, (2000)Preface., и . Discret. Math., 144 (1-3): 1 (1995)A Geometrical Heuristic for Drawing Concept Lattices., и . GD, том 894 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 452-460. Springer, (1994)