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Query by Humming: Musical Information Retrieval in an Audio Database., , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 231-236. ACM Press, (1995)The PICASSO applications framework., , , , и . UIST, стр. 95-105. ACM, (1991)Performance of a Software MPEG Video Decoder., , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 75-82. ACM Press, (1993)A Continuous Media Player., и . NOSSDAV, том 712 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 376-386. Springer, (1992)Algorithms for manipulating compressed images., и . IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13 (5): 34-42 (1993)Tcl-DP Name Server., , и . Tcl/Tk Workshop, USENIX Association, (1995)RIVL: A Resolution Independent Video Language., и . Tcl/Tk Workshop, USENIX Association, (1995)ICEKAT: an interactive online tool for calculating initial rates from continuous enzyme kinetic traces., , и . BMC Bioinform., 21 (1): 186 (2020)Compressed Domain Transcoding of MPEG., и . ICMCS, стр. 295-304. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Fast Software Processing of Motion JPEG Video.. ACM Multimedia, стр. 77-88. ACM Press, (1994)