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Bidirectional Grapheme-Phoneme Activation in a Bimodal Detection Task

, , and . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, (1993)

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From Concepts to Lexical Items, and . Cognition, (1992)Bidirectional Grapheme-Phoneme Activation in a Bimodal Detection Task, , and . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, (1993)Linking elements in Dutch noun-noun compounds: Constituent families as analogical predictors for response latencies, , and . Brain and Language, 81 (1--3): 708--722 (2002)The role of analogy in the interpretation of novel compounds, , and . Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 23 (2): 111--137 (1994)Analogical effects on linking elements in German compound words, , , and . Language and Cognitive Processes, 22 (1): 25--57 (2007)The processing and representation of Dutch and English compounds: Peripheral morphological and central orthographic effects, , , , and . Brain and Language, 81 (1--3): 555--567 (2002)Analogical hierarchy: Exemplar-based modeling of linkers in Dutch noun-noun compounds, , and . Analogical Modeling: An Exemplar-Based Approach to Language, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, (2002)Two languages, two sets of interpretations: Language-specific influences of morphological form on Dutch and English speakers' interpretation of compounds, , , and . Cognitive Linguistics, 24 (2): 195--220 (2013)