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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

The evolutionary design of MCPL, the MSS command and programming language., , , , , , und . IROS, Seite 413-420. IEEE, (1990)Using web technology and Java mobile software agents to manage outside referrals., , , und . AMIA, AMIA, (1998)Shot noise in out-of equilibrium resonant tunneling through an Anderson impurity, und . Phys.~Rev.~B, (1997)An Algorithmic Approach to Concept Exploration in a Large Knowledge Network (Automatic Thesaurus Consultation): Symbolic Branch-and-Bound Search vs. Connectionist Hopfield Net Activation, und . JASIS, 46 (5): 348-369 (1995)Collision avoidance system concept for mobile servicing system., , und . IROS, Seite 1641-1646. IEEE, (1991)Implementing Stable Semantics by Linear Programming., , , und . LPNMR, Seite 23-42. MIT Press, (1993)Integrating Multiple Knowldge Sources to Disambiguate Word Sense: An Exemplar-Based Approach, und . Proceedings of ACL96, (1996)Efficient recording and retrieval of complex digital Fresnel holograms based on the line partitioned autoassociative memory., und . Neurocomputing, (2015)Evaluating Multidimensional Indexing Structures for Images Transformed by Principal Component Analysis., und . Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE), Volume 2670 von SPIE Proceedings, Seite 50-61. SPIE, (1996)EXQUISI: An Expressive Query Interface for Similar Images., und . Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE), Volume 2670 von SPIE Proceedings, Seite 215-226. SPIE, (1996)