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General Equal-Tempered Harmony. Perspectives of new music (Introduction and Part I), 45 (1): 4--63 (2007)Division., и . SIGGRAPH Electronic Art and Animation Catalog, стр. 126. ACM, (1999)Voice-Leading Prototypes and Harmonic Function in Two Chorale Corpora., и . MCM, том 6726 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 230-240. Springer, (2011)General Equal-Tempered Harmony. Perspectives of new music (Introduction and Part I), 44 (2): 117--159 (2006)A Unified Theory of Chord Quality in Equal Temperaments. Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, Dissertation, (2004)B2-Coupon: Efficient and Non-intrusive Mobile Coupon Distribution using Dual Bloom Filter., , , и . SEC, стр. 358-363. IEEE, (2020)