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Polyhedral sampling for multiattribute preference elicitation., и . EC, стр. 256-257. ACM, (2003)Managing uncertainty in electricity generation and demand forecasting., , , , , , , , и . IBM J. Res. Dev., (2016)A Class of Geometric Structures in Transfer Learning: Minimax Bounds and Optimality., , , и . AISTATS, том 151 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 3794-3820. PMLR, (2022)A rate result for simulation optimization with conditional value-at-risk constraints.. WSC, стр. 615-620. WSC, (2008)Mirror descent stochastic approximation for computing worst-case stochastic input models., и . WSC, стр. 425-436. IEEE/ACM, (2015)Low-storage online estimators for quantiles and densities., и . WSC, стр. 778-789. IEEE, (2013)Accelerating splitting algorithms for power grid reliability estimation., , и . WSC, стр. 1757-1768. IEEE, (2016)On Sampling Rates in Simulation-Based Recursions., , , и . SIAM J. Optimization, 28 (1): 45-73 (2018)Computing worst-case tail probabilities in credit risk., и . WSC, стр. 246-254. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Slow and Stale Gradients Can Win the Race: Error-Runtime Trade-offs in Distributed SGD., , , , и . AISTATS, том 84 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 803-812. PMLR, (2018)