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Hellinger integrals, contiguity and entire separation.. Kybernetika, 23 (2): 104-123 (1987)Convergence rates of empirical Bayes estimation in exponential family, , и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 131 (1): 101--115 (01.04.2005)Lp-estimators in ARCH models, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 119 (2): 277--309 (01.02.2004)Every continuous first order autoregressive stochastic process is a Gaussian process.. Kybernetika, 28 (3): 227-233 (1992)Zur anwendung der informationstheorie beim beweis yon grenzwertsÄtzen der wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie. Statistics, 3 (2): 113--128 (1972)Selection procedures for sparse data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 (7): 2035--2052 (01.07.2006)Distribution Estimates Consistent in &b.chi;<sup>2</sup>-Divergence, , , и . Statistics, 32 (1): 31--57 (1998)phi-divergences, sufficiency, Bayes sufficiency, and deficiency.. Kybernetika, 48 (4): 690-713 (2012)Necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency of M-estimates in regression models with general errors, , и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 89 (1-2): 243--267 (15.08.2000)