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Quantifying the Restoration Capacity in Optical Mesh Networks., , и . NGI, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2009)Estimating Betweenness Centrality on Optical Telecommunications Networks., , и . SBRC, стр. 182-188. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Genetic Algorithm for the Topological Design of Survivable Optical Transport Networks., , , и . JOCN, 3 (1): 17-26 (2011)Exploiting the diversity of shortest pairs of edge-disjoint paths., , , , и . SBRC, стр. 991-1004. (2018)The Average Number of Hops for Working and Backup Paths in Telecommunication Networks., и . SSN, том 1727 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 47-49., (2016)Two Deterministic Strategies for Finding Shortest Pairs of Edge-disjoint Paths., , , , и . SSN, том 1950 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 2-5., (2017)Estimating the energy consumption in survivable optical transport networks., , и . EUROCON, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2011)Uma análise da relação entre invariantes de grafos e coeficiente de bloqueio em Redes Ópticas Elásticas., , , и . SBRC, стр. 798-811. (2021)Métodos de Avaliação do Desempenho de Redes Ópticas Analisando as Curvas de Bloqueio., , , , , и . SBRC, стр. 742-755. (2020)Dimensioning of Optical Networks with Incomplete Information., , , и . AICT, стр. 261-264. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)