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Multinationals and industrial competitiveness

, and . New horizons in international business Elgar, Cheltenham u.a., (2004)

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Transnational corporations and the growth of services: Some conceptual and theoretical issues. United Nations, New York, (1989)Multinationals and industrial competitiveness, and . New horizons in international business Elgar, Cheltenham u.a., (2004)International production and the multinational enterprise. Allen & Unwin, London and Boston, (1981)The multinational enterprise. Allen and Unwin, London, 2. impr edition, (1974)The multinational enterprise. Allen and Unwin, London, (1971)Explaining international production. Unwin Hyman, London and Boston, (1988)Studies in international investment. Allen & Unwin, London, 1st publ edition, (1970)Economic analysis and the multinational enterprise. Allen & Unwin, London, (1974)Alliance capitalism and global business. Routledge, New York, (1997)The theory of transnational corporations. Routledge, London, (1993)