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A survey on visualization approaches for exploring association relationships in graph data., , , , и . J. Vis., 22 (3): 625-639 (2019)Edwordle: Consistency-preserving word cloud editing, , , , , , и . IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 24 (1): 647--656 (2017)SmartSpring: A Low-Cost Wearable Haptic VR Display with Controllable Passive Feedback., , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 29 (11): 4460-4471 (ноября 2023)SineStream: Improving the Readability of Streamgraphs by Minimizing Sine Illusion Effects., , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 27 (2): 1634-1643 (2021)Single Image Tree Reconstruction via Adversarial Network., , , , , и . Graph. Model., (2021)Multiple Positive Solutions for Second Order m-Point Boundary Value Problems., , и . SNPD (3), стр. 409-412. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Is There a Robust Technique for Selecting Aspect Ratios in Line Charts?, , , , , , , и . (мая 2022)Color Maker: a Mixed-Initiative Approach to Creating Accessible Color Maps., , , , и . CHI, стр. 145:1-145:17. ACM, (2024)DifNet: Semantic Segmentation by Diffusion Networks., , , , and . NeurIPS, page 1637-1646. (2018)Hagrid: using Hilbert and Gosper curves to gridify scatterplots., , , , , and . J. Vis., 25 (6): 1291-1307 (2022)