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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Degradation degree based fair rate adaptation algorithm for wireless networks with mobile nodes., , und . LANMAN, Seite 133-138. IEEE, (2004)Energy-aware centrality for information forwarding in mobile social opportunistic networks., und . IWCMC, Seite 622-627. IEEE, (2015)Aggregated resource reservation protocol in integrated scalable-terrestrial and Int-Serv satellite network., , und . WCNC, Seite 2041-2046. IEEE, (2004)A distance vector routing protocol for VANET environment with Dynamic Frequency assignment., , , , und . WCNC, Seite 1016-1020. IEEE, (2011)A Novel Algorithm For Limiting Energy Consumption in 5G Wireless Environments Using Massive MIMO Systems., , und . VTC Spring, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2019)Instant weighted probability model to guarantee QoS in IEEE 802.16e scenario., , und . WCNC, Seite 1676-1681. IEEE, (2009)Extending OMNeT++ Simulator to Secure Vehicular Communication under Blackhole Attack., und . SIMULTECH, Seite 378-385. SCITEPRESS, (2021)Application Layer Protocols for Internet of Things., und . Honoring Professor Mohammad S. Obaidat, Volume 289 von Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Seite 535-558. Springer, (2022)Detecting DDoS Attacks Through AI driven SDN Intrusion Detection System., , , und . CCNC, Seite 990-993. IEEE, (2024)Utility-based adaptivity and partial resource reservation in wireless/mobile multimedia networks., , und . ISWCS, Seite 174-178. IEEE, (2004)