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Eliciting service composition in a goal driven manner., , и . ICSOC, стр. 308-315. ACM, (2004)On ISOA: Intentional Services Oriented Architecture., , и . CAiSE, том 4495 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 158-172. Springer, (2007)Capturing Intentional Services with Business Process Maps., и . RCIS, стр. 309-318. (2007)A Methodological Approach for the Dynamic Adaptation of Web Services to the Context., , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 614-624. SciTePress, (2016)An Intentional Perspective to Service Modeling and Discovery., и . COMPSAC (2), стр. 455-460. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)978-0-7695-2870-0.Une Approche Méthodologique pour la Modélisation Intentionnelle des Services et leur Opérationnalisation.. Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris, France, (2007)