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Simulating Heterogeneous Models on Multi-Core Platforms using Julia's Computing Language Parallel Potential.

, , , , and . DS-RT, page 1-4. IEEE, (2020)

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Simulating Heterogeneous Models on Multi-Core Platforms using Julia's Computing Language Parallel Potential., , , , and . DS-RT, page 1-4. IEEE, (2020)Model-Driven Development Methodology Applied to Real-Time MEG Signal Preprocessing System Design., , , , , and . EMS, page 28-33. IEEE, (2017)Flow Patterns near Codimension-2 Bifurcation in Non-Boussinesq Mixed Convection. Progress in Nonlinear Science, III: Nonlinear Oscillations, Control and Information, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science, (2002)Effect of Fluid Properties Variations on Spatio-Temporal Instability of Convection. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2001: XXIX Summer School, Russian Academy of Sciences, (2001)A Petrov--Galerkin Method for the Direct Simulation of Fully Enclosed Flows, and . HTD-Vol.\~335, Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer Division, 4, ASME, (1996)