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Trust and hybrid reasoning for ontological knowledge bases.

, , und . WWW (Companion Volume), Seite 1189-1194. ACM, (2014)

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Buckets: smart objects for digital libraries., und . Commun. ACM, 44 (5): 60-62 (2001)Learning Paradigms and Web Technologies for Interactive Remote Instruction., , , , , und . Teleteaching, Volume 120 von, Seite 685-694. Austrian Computer Society, (1998)Use of Web Technology for Interactive Remote Instruction., , , , , , und . Comput. Networks, 30 (1-7): 660-662 (1998)A collaborative faceted categorization system - user interactions., , und . ELPUB, Seite 69-78. (2010)Interactive remote instruction: initial experiences., , , , , , , , und . ITiCSE, Seite 153-155. ACM, (1996)Distributed simulation: no special tools required., , und . WSC, Seite 423-427. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)A Performance Monitoring Application for Distributed Interactive Simulations (DIS)., , und . WSC, Seite 421-428. ACM, (1997)Application-Layer Group Communication Server for Extending Reliable Multicast Protocols Services., , und . ICNP, Seite 267-. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Modeling and analysis of high speed parallel token ring networks., , , und . LCN, Seite 624-633. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Event-Based Retrieval from Digital Libraries Containing Streamed Data., , und . ITCC, Seite 234-241. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)